
Frequently asked questions

Take a look at our frequently asked questions first to see if you can already find an answer there.

What is the status of my order?

On the day your order is processed, you will receive an email with a tracking link. If you have not received this, please check your spam folder or contact us with a request.

What is the best way to contact you?

The most effective way is to contact us via the contact form or by email. This way we can directly look up all the details of your order, or send you a link to a suitable product. We do our best to answer within a day!

What are the shipping costs?

Shipping costs are calculated on checkout. For most European countries we offer free shipping options.

What is the advantage of a stainless steel propeller?

Stainless steel propellers are stronger than aluminum propellers. This makes these propellers more resistant to scratches caused by sand. Due to the stronger metal, the propeller blades are also often thinner than those of the aluminum models, which increases efficiency. Stainless steel propellers are however more expensive than aluminum ones.

When do I need a 4-blade propeller?

The difference of a 4-blade propeller compared to a 3-blade propeller is that you have more blade surface area. This ensures a higher thrust. This can be particularly beneficial for heavy boats or slow-sailing boats, but also if your boat has difficulty accelerating or if you often pull waterskiers or wakeboarders.

Advantages of 3-blade:

  • Lower price
  • Higher top speed achievable

Advantages 4-blade:

  • Faster to plane (getting the hull out of water when accelerating)
  • Better acceleration
  • More suitable for heavy loads
  • Beneficial for towing water skiers and wakeboarders
  • Better steering characteristics at low speed
  • More grip in rough water

Tip: if you switch from a 3-blade propeller to a 4-blade propeller, choose a propeller which is 1 pitch size smaller to maintain roughly the same speed and RPM performance.

How do I find my current propeller size?

The size is usually indicated on outside of the propeller hub. It is usually written like this (examples):

  • 11 1/4 X 13
  • 11.25 X 13

The first number is the diameter (11.25) and the second number is the pitch (13).

Some brands use a different way to indicate the size or model. For more information, see our guide about choosing the right propeller.

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